Film student Nimisha Misra recently wrote two episodes of a brand new Netflix series, Kaala Paani (Dark Waters). The show, created and co-directed by Sameer Saxena, is a thriller and survival show driven by urgent ecological concerns while focusing on small human moments.
The action takes place on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a union territory of India on the southern rim of the Bay of Bengal that used to be a British prison, holding Indian political prisoners. Chief Medical Officer Dr Soudamini Singh (Mona Singh) warns everyone of an impending danger, a mystery disease rearing its head in the serene landscape of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. While Dr Singh tries desperately to gather information about the elusive disease, other authorities are focused on the upcoming ‘Swaraj Mahotsav’—a festival that is supposed to bring an influx of tourists to the island. The mysterious bacteria, soon dubbed ‘LHF-27, ’engulfs the entire region, infecting and killing tourists and local residents alike.
According to Saxena, “In this invisible battle between humans and nature, individuals discover that their destinies are intertwined, not just with each other, but also with the environment”.
Prior to this project, Misra wrote the feature-film Posham Pa (2019), as well as the short Sunny Side UPar. She also worked as a Creative Producer for Original Content at Zee Digital.