School of the Arts Dean’s Council

The Dean’s Council for Columbia University School of the Arts is a valuable asset in helping to expand the reach of the School’s work, and serves as an important resource to provide advice, counsel, and support. The Dean benefits from the extensive knowledge and experience of the council members from the business, government, and non-profit sectors. Council members serve as ambassadors for the School among friends, associates, and colleagues, and increase awareness of the work of the School, our alumni, and our faculty.

Ramona Bronkar Bannayan, SOA ’86
Albert Berger, SOA ’83
Janice Chan-Choy
Jacob Collins, CC ’86
Wendy Finerman
Candia Fisher
Michel Hausmann, SOA ’14
Hugh Hayden, SOA '18
Nancy Lemann, SOA ’84
Grace Leone
Carolyn Lowe
Winston Lowe, LW ’75
Katharina Otto-Bernstein (Chair) CC ’86, SOA ’92
Lauren Rosenkranz
Eric Roth
Steve Schwartz, SOA ’73
Jeffrey Sharp, SOA ’01
Patricia M. Sovern, D.A.
Jeremy Smith
Betty Lee Stern
Leonard Tow, Ph.D., GF ’52, GF ’60
Barbara Whitman, SOA ’05
Beau Willimon, CC ’99, SOA ’03
Henry Woo, SIPA ’03