Index of Haunted Houses, by Adam O. Davis '08, won the Kathryn A. Morton Prize and was published earlier this year by Sarabande Books. His poems have appeared in The Believer, Boston Review, Gulf Coast, The Paris Review, The Southern Review and ZYZZYVA. The recipient of the 2016 George Bogin Award from the Poetry Society of America, Davis currently lives in San Diego where he teaches English literature at The Bishop’s School.
Diana Marie Delgado '08 is the author of Tracing the Horse (BOA Editions, 2020), a New York Times “New & Noteworthy,” selection, and the chapbook Late Night Talks with Men I Think I Trust. She is the recipient of numerous grants, including a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. She currently lives in Tucson where she is the Literary Director of the Poetry Center at the University of Arizona.
Elizabeth Metzger '15 is the author of The Spirit Papers (University of Massachusetts, 2017), winner of the Juniper Prize for Poetry, and the chapbook The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death (Horsethief Books, 2017). Her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Poetry and elsewhere. Her essays have recently been published in Lit Hub, Guernica, and Boston Review. She is poetry editor of The Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly Journal.
Poet and multimedia artist Diana Khoi Nguyen '12 was born and raised in California. She is the author of the chaplet Unless (Belladonna*, 2019) and the poetry collection Ghost Of (Omnidawn, 2018). Selected by Terrance Hayes for the Omnidawn Open Contest, Ghost Of was a finalist for the National Book Award and the L.A. Times Book Prize and received the 2019 Kate Tufts Discovery Award and the Colorado Book Award. She joined the faculty of the University of Pittsburgh as an assistant professor earlier this year.