CA/T Community Classes

The Columbia University School of the Arts Writing Program offers free non-credit writing courses to all current Columbia and Barnard students, staff, affiliates and all School of the Arts alumni. These courses are taught by current MFA Writing students in the graduate Writing Program, and are aimed at exploring the genres of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry while offering critical feedback on student work.

Fall 2024 CCC instruction will take place in-person at Dodge Hall and online via Zoom. 


The CA/T Community Classes Program will announce our Fall 2024 courses in early October. Classes will begin on Monday, October 21 and run through Friday, November 29. 



The registration form is now open. The deadline to register for Fall CCC classes is Thursday, October 17 by 11:45 pm ET. 

Please submit your course preferences here

Download the Fall 2024 Coursebook here



If you have a question about a specific class, you may email the instructor directly. All and any other questions may be directed to the CCC program coordinators, Blue Kirkpatrick and Lydia DeFusto, at [email protected].

How many classes can I take a semester?
Students are allowed to enroll in up to 2 classes a semester. Please contact the CCC program coordinator for additional questions or requests at [email protected]​.

What if I’m a non-School of the Arts alumni?
If you are not an alumni or a graduate of Columbia University School of the Arts, please email [email protected]​ for potential enrollment.

When will I find out which class I’ve been assigned?
The CCC program coordinator will reach out via email the weekend before classes begin.

How can I reach my specific CCC instructor?
Columbia University affiliates are able to access their instructor through the LionMail system.