Registration Policies

Each semester, all students must receive approval for their intended course of studies from the Chair or designated academic adviser of their program. In addition, students wishing to enroll in courses at Teachers College, Union Theological Seminary, or Jewish Theological Seminary must obtain approval from the Dean’s Office of the School of the Arts before registering.

Once program approval is obtained, students must register online. Registration is not considered official until a student is approved by his or her program and has registered with the University. Students can view and confirm their registration at any time during the semester by viewing their student record from Student Services Online. It is recommended that students review their transcripts online at least twice each semester.

According to University regulations, each person whose registration has been completed will be considered a student of the University during the semester for which he or she is registered unless the student’s connection with the University is officially severed by withdrawal or otherwise. No student registered in any school or college of the University shall at the same time be registered in any other school or college, either of Columbia University or of any other institution, without the specific authorization of the dean or director of the school or college of the University in which he or she is first registered.

The privileges of the University are not available to any student until he or she has completed registration. A student who is not officially registered for a University course may not attend the course unless granted auditing privileges. No student may register after the stated period unless he or she obtains written consent of the appropriate dean or director.

The University reserves the right to withhold the privilege of registration or any other University privilege from any person with unpaid indebtedness to the University.

Students who miss the registration period should contact the Office of Student Affairs, 305 Dodge Hall, to register. The University charges fees for late registration. Student who are on hold from one of the University services will not be allowed to register until the hold is cleared.

Social Security Numbers

Columbia University's Social Security Number (SSN) Usage Policy provides guidance for SSN usage and how to eliminate unnecessary storage and use of SSNs as the primary identifier at the University, where possible. For more information, visit