Changes in Grades
Grades are considered final upon submission to the Registrar, other than those defined as temporary in nature. Once given, they may not be improved through the submission of additional work. Changes to final grades normally may be made only to correct an error. Corrections to final grades and changes from temporary to final grades must be made in accordance with the regulations of the student’s school and the Registrar’s procedures. In all such cases, the changes must be submitted to the appropriate dean, or a designated representative, in the student’s school. If the school gives its approval, the change will then be forwarded to the Registrar for review as to form and for posting.
Students may appeal grades to the department chair or the dean in the case of disputes that cannot be resolved with the instructor. In such cases, the chair or dean may have the student’s work evaluated by a second faculty member. Grades are not changed without first consulting with the instructor and obtaining the approval of the dean of the student’s school of enrollment. The grounds for changing a disputed grade are limited. A dean will authorize an improved grade only when there is compelling evidence that the faculty member acted out of hostility toward the student or the student’s grade is clearly out of line with those of other students in the same course who produced work of similar quality. In the absence of such evidence, the dean will defer to the judgment of the instructor.