Fiction News & Events


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The Child, a second novel by Writing alumnus Alistair Mackay '18 is forthcoming in April 2024 from Kwela Books, an imprin

L’Air Du Temps (1985), a novella by Writing alumna Diane Josefowicz ’08, was published by Regal House Titles ear

Second-year writing student Ashley D.

Ways and Means, a debut novel by writing alumnus Daniel Lefferts '19, was published by Abrams Books in February 2024.

Roxy and Coco, a novel by Writing alumna Terese Svoboda ’78, is forthcoming from West Virginia University Press in Februa

Still Alive, a debut novel by writing alumna LJ Pemberton ’10, will be published by Malarkey Books in February 2024.

Writing Program alumnus Paolo Iacovelli '21 will publish his debut novel with Clash Books in July 2024.

Paradise Logic, a debut novel by Writing alumna Sophie Frances Kemp ’23 will be published by Simon & Schuster and Scribner UK in the s

Five Star Stranger, a debut novel by Writing alumna Kat Tang ’22, will be published by Scribner Books, a subsidiary of Simon & Schuste

Writing Alumna Jenessa Abrams ’17 (SPS ’19)has been awarded a prestigious National Book Critics Circle Emerging Critics Fellowshi

Wound—an autobiographical novel by Olga Vasyakina translated from the Russian by Writing alumna Elina Alter ’16—was recently published by

From powerful memoir to page-turning fiction.