Sutura, a new medical thriller series created and written by Film alum Fabio Montanari '16, premiered on Amazon Prime Video on November 22. The series follows two medical professionals who become entangled in a dangerous double life.
The story centers on Ícaro (Humberto Morais), an incorruptible young doctor from São Paulo's outskirts who is unable to complete his medical residency due to student debt. His path crosses with Dr. Mancini (Cláudia Abreu), an elite surgeon recently traumatized by an incident that has left her with hand tremors. The two decide to become criminal doctors, embarking on a perilous journey.
The series, inspired by medical dramas such as Grey’s Anatomy and House, M.D., features an ensemble cast including Juliana Paiva (De Volta aos 15), Gabriel Braga Nunes (Verdades Secretas 2), Danilo Mesquita (Ricos de Amor), Lara Tremouroux (Medusa), and Naruna Costa (Irmandade). Early reviews have praised the show's "impressive chemistry" between its leads, with Estação Nerd noting Abreu's "solid performance" and Morais's nuanced portrayal of his character's ambiguities.
Montanari, who received his MFA from Columbia University as a Fulbright scholar, has written for major networks including Netflix, HBO, and National Geographic. His work has been screened at over 50 film festivals worldwide, garnering awards including eight Cannes Lions.
Sutura's first season, consisting of ten episodes, was produced by Boutique Filmes and Spiral International.