A message from Sarah Cole, Dean of the School of the Arts
Dear School of the Arts Community—
It has been such a pleasure to have a chance to see and talk with so many of you in the first month of the new semester. Dodge Hall and all of our buildings and spaces are alive with activity. This is a remarkable community of artists and it is exciting to see how many creative and scholarly projects you have underway so early in the new school year.
However, along with the exceptional work being produced, we must recognize, as we enter this month of October, that many in our community are thinking about the events of one year ago in Israel and Gaza. The effects on our Columbia community of the attack of October 7 and the ongoing violence in the region have been severe, and many have experienced terrible losses over this last year. I know that some of us are still processing a great deal of emotion about the divisions experienced on our campus as well. We must add to this the sobering reality of continuing violence and instability in many parts of the world.
I have spoken with many of you and I know that while there are concerns about the well-being of our community, there is, even more, shared devotion to the work we all do, and to the role of art in contributing to a peaceful and equitable future. It is a credit to Columbia that our students, faculty and staff care passionately about the issues of our world.
As President Armstrong wrote in her recent message, despite our many different views and backgrounds, we can and should come together as one community in difficult times. See below for a list of resources at the School and at the university more broadly that may be of help. Moreover, I hope you will find both solace and intellectual challenge in attending our many events and programs in the School of the Arts and in being in community together.
Here in the School, we are eager to support you in whatever way you need, to provide opportunities to talk and be heard, and above all to grow together as artists and scholars. Please stay in touch with me, with Laila Maher and her staff in Student and Alumni Affairs, and with one another.
School of the Arts Office of Student and Alumni Affairs
SOA Student Affairs is available in 305 Dodge Hall to offer support and guidance and to answer any questions you might have. You can reach out to [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
Office of University Life
For an inclusive list of university resources, visit the University Life's directory at https://universitylife.columbia.edu/resource-directory. For more information about the office, visit https://universitylife.columbia.edu/.
Center for Religious Life
The Earl Hall Center for Religious Life may be reached for spiritual counseling at (646) 906-5913 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm ET and by appointment after hours and during the weekends). For more information, visit https://religiouslife.columbia.edu/.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS)
CPS supports the psychological and emotional well-being of the Columbia community and provides support 24/7 through their on-call service, which can be accessed by calling (212) 854-2878. For more information, visit https://www.health.columbia.edu/content/counseling-and-psychological-services.
International SOS (ISOS)
ISOS is a 24/7 emergency assistance provider adopted by Columbia University for affiliates on Columbia Travel. ISOS can be contacted by phone, online, or by using the ISOS app (available in your mobile phone's app store). Members of the Columbia community who are currently abroad may call International SOS to speak to an enhanced emotional support counselor at (215) 942-8478. More information and additional resources may be found at https://globaltravel.columbia.edu/content/what-international-sos-isos.
International Students and Scholars Office
Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
OIE serves as a centralized resource for addressing reports of discrimination and discriminatory harassment. The Office is responsible for reviewing, investigating, and managing all incidents whether the Respondent is a student, faculty, staff member, or affiliate. For more information, visit https://institutionalequity.columbia.edu/content/resources
Columbia Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The EAP is a network of free or discounted services to support Columbia employees with their personal success and everyday challenges. For more information, visit https://humanresources.columbia.edu/employee-assistance.
International SOS (ISOS)
ISOS is a 24/7 emergency assistance provider adopted by Columbia University for affiliates on Columbia Travel. ISOS can be contacted by phone, online, or by using the ISOS app (available in your mobile phone's app store). Members of the Columbia community who are currently abroad may call International SOS to speak to an enhanced emotional support counselor at (215) 942-8478. More information and additional resources may be found at https://globaltravel.columbia.edu/content/what-international-sos-isos.
International Students and Scholars Office
Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
OIE serves as a centralized resource for addressing reports of discrimination and discriminatory harassment. The Office is responsible for reviewing, investigating, and managing all incidents whether the Respondent is a student, faculty, staff member, or affiliate. For more information, visit https://institutionalequity.columbia.edu/content/resources
All my best,
Sarah Cole
Dean of the School of the Arts
Parr Professor of English and Comparative Literature
Columbia University