An event to honor late poet Max Ritvo ’15, author of the 2014 Poetry Society of America chapbookAeons, selected by Jean Valentine, and the collection Four Reincarnations, just published by Milkweed Editions. Featuring Kaveh Akbar, Timothy Donnelly, Dorothea Lasky, Sarah Ruhl, Jean Valentine,Cynthia Zarin, and more. Reception to follow.
Co-sponsored by the Poetry Society of America, the Academy of American Poets, Milkweed Editions
Max Ritvo’s debut collection, Four Reincarnations, was published this fall by Milkweed Editions. His poetry has appeared in Field, The Journal, The New Yorker, Poetry, Poetry Northwest, and The Yale Review, among others. His eight-poem sampler in Boston Review, introduced by Lucie Brock-Broido, was named one of their top 20 poetry selections published in 2015. His prose and interviews have appeared or are forthcoming inHuffington Post, Divedapper, and The Los Angeles Review of Books. His radio appearances include NPR’s Only Human, The New Yorker Radio Hour, and The Dr. Drew Podcast. He was a poetry editor at Parnassus: Poetry in Review and a teaching fellow in Columbia’s University Writing Program.