Columbia University School of the Arts is proud to present an album of delayed images by Josue Castañeda Campos '21.
Growing up means revisiting, somehow, the images we carry and care for the most through our life. Growing up also means rediscovering what we are most afraid of. In an album of delayed images, Josue Castañeda Campos demands that theatre help us ask: Who the hell is the adult we are becoming? In order to do so, an album of delayed images explores the concepts of image-making and performance composition as tools to revisit and rediscover family and personal memory.
Madurar significa revisitar, de alguna forma, las imágenes que llevamos y atesoramos a lo largo de nuestra vida. También significa redescubrir aquello que más nos aterra. En an album of delayed images, Josue Castañeda Campos exige que el teatro nos ayude a preguntar: ¿Quién rayos es el adulto en el que nos estamos convirtiendo? Para poder lograrlo, exploramos los conceptos de construcción de la imagen y composición escénica como herramientas para revisitar y redescubrir nuestra memoria familiar y personal.
An MFA Directing Thesis virtual production available from June 3–12, 2021.
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Brayan Pinto Guillén, Claudia Vanessa Figueroa Muro, Guadalupe Ramos Mendoza, and Pável Paniagua Tapahuasco.
Production Team
Conceived and Directed by Josue Castañeda Campos '21
Assistant Director Leonardo Sifuentes
Producers Josué Castañeda Campos '21 and Benjamín Suárez
Assistant Producer María Alejandra del Águila
Music Composition, Sound Design, Sound Editing and Final Mix Jorge Pablo Tantavilca
Cinematography and Visual Editor José Pecho del Castillo
Projection Designer and Chroma Key and VFX Design Claudia Vanessa Figueroa Muro
Costume, Props, and Stage Design Carlo Mario Pacheco and Leonardo Sifuentes
Lighting Design Cecilia Cruz