Elizabeth Kling

Elizabeth Kling is a NY/LA Editor and Producer working in the film and television industry.

Beginning as an Editor in New York City she worked as Contributing Editor on Errol Morris's The Thin Blue Line and Editor on many feature films such as Georgia, Household SaintsThe Invisible Circus and Practical Magic.

In television she was Editor/Producer for HBO's acclaimed series Deadwood and Crash; and worked with Veena Sud on The Killing and Seven Seconds. Elizabeth was Executive Producer on Handsome Harry and The Drowning, both directed by Bette Gordon. She Co- Directed and Produced the documentary, Crescendo: The Power of Music with Jamie  Bernstein which was released on Netflix. Most recently she was Executive Producer on the Netflix series Grand Army with Katie Cappiello and Joshua Donen. Currently Elizabeth is developing a series in London with Director Tricia Brock. Elizabeth has taught at the Sundance Lab in Park City, and has been an Adjunct Professor in Editing at Columbia University for many years and currently is a Full-time Lecturer.